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Amsterdam schrijft lovend over de participatiemethodiek ‘Grootfamilie en Participatie’.

(Zie de bijgevoegde artikelen).


Download artikel 1 (mei 2015)       Download artikel 2 (19 maart 2015)

Review by Joke Middelbeek CEO Stichting Westelijke Tuinsteden Amsterdam (STWT)

Last Thursday on the 7th of January 2015 an inspiring workshop was provided about Super Diversity for the board and directors of our schools.

Carl H.D. Steinmetz presented new insights in the complex world of cross-cultural differences and Super Diversity.

A key theme was: “do we really understand others and do they understand us?”

In the second part of the workshop we participated in simulations with actors. They held up a mirror about our cross-cultural communication with caregivers about a pupil in problems.

We learned that we might get lost in cross-cultural communication.

This workshop is inspiring for our learning process. We might know less than we expected.

I recommend this workshop in order to proceed with super diversity.

Download presentation

Review by InHolland: education POH-GGZ (mental health support of general practioner) 03-09-2014:

The students appreciated a different look at culture. The whole day was highly valued.

The students liked in particular the simulations with the concept extended/ joint family.

The students were impressed by the movie The Racial Experiment.

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Review by

Do you know the difference between an expat and an immigrant?
As per Wikipedia an “An expatriate (sometimes shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of the person’s upbringing.” The word comes from the Latin terms ex (“out of”) and patria (“country, fatherland”).
This is in contrast to the term immigrant, which is defined only as “a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence,” as defined in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. The terms are similar in that both refer to people living outside their own country, but may differ in how long that relocation will last.

Expats & Immigrants: supporting the adjustment
In both instances, these groups must deal with living in a new country. Organisations like Expats & Immigrants acknowledge this and try to provide support in people’s adjustment, whether it is for a long or short stay.
Expats & Immigrants states, “Expatriation and immigration from motherland to fatherland has positive and negative consequences. Obvious consequences are the results of encountering an unknown fatherland.
“Unknown fatherland matters include climate, landscape, mores, social and work environment, but also individualism, sexual permissiveness and raising children. Less obvious consequences are missing one’s motherland, collectivism, missing family, lack of refuelling (going back and forth to motherland), the system of social connections and working habits.
“Expats and immigrants are balancing between father- and motherland, between adventure and un-rootedness. If un-rootedness maintains, the result might be an expatriation or immigration trauma.”
Thus, whether you are here for the long or short haul, whether you define yourself as an expat or an immigrant, adjustment has its challenges.

Read the article:

Review by Haydy Nelson, pastor and coordinator of volunteer support of SLM disaster victims, survivors and their extended family

Dr. Carl H.D. Steinmetz and the SLM aircraft crash (Paramaribo – Zanderije, Suriname): 7 June 1989
Directly after this disaster Carl H.D. Steinmetz was -as director of the Institute of Psychotrauma in Utrecht- requested by the municipality of Amsterdam and the Ministry of Health to become a consultant for the following activities: a) victim assistance and b) creating a network that could provide assistance and aftercare. He was at that time in the Netherlands one of the few consultants with a bicultural background, knowledge and expertise in health.
He provided workshops, coaching and trainings for care volunteers and professionals of mental health agencies, the Amsterdam Municipality Healthcare Services (GGD) and volunteers of the national Federation of Suriname and Antilles welfare agencies.
After 1992 he provided lectures, trainings and coaching as a consultant of Steinmetz Consultancy B.V. He is a lobbyist for people of all collars.
He was dedicated to the victims and their family of the SLM disaster during a period of 25 years and did the suggestion that archives of the SLM disaster were handed to the Amsterdam City Archive.
This idea was supported by: 1.Landelijk Meldpunt Vliegramp Zanderij, 2.Solidariteitscomité 7 juni 1989, 3.Stichting Comité slachtoffers De Draver, 4.Steinmetz Consultancy B.V. archief vliegramp Zanderij 7 juni and 5.Stichting Kleurrijk 7 juni 1989

Review by Finans Network

Dr. Carl H.D. Steinmetz Managing Director of Expats & Immigrants B.V, provided together with the Rotterdam Counsel General of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Togan Oral psychoeducation about Expats’ and Immigrants ‘ life in the Netherlands.

The meeting was organized by the Finans Network on Wednesday the 13th of November 2013.

The meeting was sponsored by Wiersma Mensonides Law Firm and organized by the Finans Network Team İlgün Şahin and Mehmet Tikiz.

The meeting took place at the Blauwe Theehuis located at the Vondel Park, Amsterdam.

Dr. Carl H.D. Steinmetz started with a presentation about the consequences if Expats do not mourn about the ‘loss’ of one’s motherland, do not adapt to the Netherlands (a fatherland) and do not deal with acculturation stress.  Consequences could be failure (returning to motherland), ‘broken relations’ and an Expatriation Trauma.

The presentation also covered the effect of cultural differences; daily challenges that Expats and Immigrants encounter by living in The Netherlands and how these bicultural differences and challenges may be converted in advantages.

In the second part of the meeting attendees shared their own experiences and stories.

At the end of the night, all participants left with opinion that the topic of the meeting was very useful for the participants since it revealed parts of their personal life as an Expat or Immigrant.

Check the meeting:

Review by Howdo Magazine

Dr. Carl HD Steinmetz, Director of Expats & Immigrants BV and EMDR Therapist, provided an speech for expats in Eindhoven to explain how immigrants ‘and expats’ position might be at stake and what they can do to prevent this situation.

The speech was organized by Howdo Magazine Eindhoven on Monday 14th of April, for the 5th edition- launch party and it took place at Hotel Plaza located at Geldropseweg 17 in Eindhoven.

Dr. Carl H.D. Steinmetz started with a presentation about the importance of intercultural psychiatry in the 21st Century and how Expat & Immigrants has the potential to enhance the mental wellbeing of people throughout The Netherlands and the consequences of adopting a new culture in new homeland and difficulties which all expats and immigrants should cope with; which is not only a new language, but also new employment and interpersonal experiences. Those kinds of life-changing events can present a number of mental health challenges.

Dr. Steinmetz also explained about the cultural differences and the effect of cultural differences on children. In a new environment, children teeter between two worlds: family life and school or work life style. Two languages are practiced, at home the mother tongue and at school/work the local language. Immigrants therefore live in two distinct, and often confusing, worlds.

At the end of the speech he explained about mother -and fatherland and the consequences if Expats do not mourn about the ‘loss’ of one’s motherland, do not adapt to the Netherlands (a fatherland) and do not deal with acculturation stress.

Check the pictures on Howdo’s Facebook page: